Exams. The most time consuming, annoying and stressful thing to do during the whole of school life but its simply something we all have to deal with at one point or another. However, when you do try your utmost best to get the grades that will stick to you like super glue your whole live, you can easily forget about things that are very important to your body.
Here are some things that helps me to DE-stress and stop me from going insane...
need to drink enough water to keep you body hydrated (and keep you
alive!) Water increase your energy levels, fights fatigue (from staring
at your book for what seems like a million hours) and is a
natural head ache remedy. So isn't that exactly the kind of substance
you need when you feel stressed?
I think it helps a lot to keep a cool glass of water in front of you
whilst your studying rather than a bottle. This is why...
1) Every once in a while you can take a sip, with minimal energy since there is no lid.
2) As its just sitting there on your desk there's the worry that it will spill, so your more likely to drink all the water.
3) You won't have the option of throwing it onto your bed to drink for some imaginary time called 'later'
4) When your bladder's full it is be the perfect opportunity to fill up your water again
5) Cool water more is more refreshing and awakening
6) Glasses are better than bottles. Its a fact.
Light a candle
revising for hours, sleep is the best thing that you could do, but
your is still in the 'work mode' and it could be difficult to find your comfort
spot. So to get you calmed down, relaxed and ready for bed, a lovely
scented candle can allure you to sleep with its natural stress relief
(heads up: do the sensible thing and blow out your candle before you fall asleep so you don't
start a fire.)
Read a book that appeals to you!
Yes teachers 'recommend' that you read classical books (most of which someone gets married at the end) but its also important that you read books purely because you enjoy reading them. These are SOME of my favourite books, expecially The Hunger Games, that I am totally 'Cray Cray' about!
Try to read a good book (with your candle on), when you get into bed and you will notice it does several things. It opens your imagination to all the beautiful characters in its world and lets you dream about these stories with werewolves, vampires, extraterrestrial creatures, sad endings (that make you feel like you don't have the worst life at the moment), other planets and heroes (ha you already forgot about exams!). Also, it slowly shuts down and unwinds your mind so that you naturally feel more sleepy so you have better sleep since your in that type of mind. It's exactly like when your trying to go to sleep on Christmas Eve but you can't because your too excited!
The Divergent Series would have been here but I lent it to two of my friends...(its really amazing you should read it.) |
Just raising your heartbeat:
1) Releases good vibes all around your body (literally if your dancing)
2) Naturally reduces stress
3) Puts you in a good mood
4) Lets you have some free time whilst keeping active
5) Burns calories (umm...those cookies...)
6) Takes your mind away from work
7) Motivates you to do anything
8) And can be a lot of fun
You don't need to get your hand on any techy equipment or heave yourself outside in the middle of the winter. Do have earphones? A source of music? Then there you go! You can create a dance pattern to your favorite songs, jog on the spot, situps, squats, lunges, crunches, yoga...anything that will make you sweat a little!
Stay off Facebook
The last thing that you
need is finding out ridiculous gossip and rumors that will distract you
from your revision. Its really not necessary to log into Facebook after
school since you see your friends at school for 6 hours everyday anyway.
Do what is important to YOU!
Look after you skin
Its important that you don't forget to look after the biggest organ in your body. Shower, cleanse, refresh.
Eat Healthy
The more nutrient packed, vitamin bursting you foods are the better job they will do to keep you brain functioning at its best, the better concentration you will have so the better you will do in your exams. So if you are guiltily munching on you chocolate cookie at this moment, finish it and then turn to those berries, fish, spinach and milk that are all good for your brain.
(Bananas, Strawberries, Fage Greek Yogurt, Honey, Jordan's Country Crisp Cereal...yumm!) |
I hope this has helped anyone who is in the middle of exams and is pulling their hair out with stress! Remember relax and keep calm and you will be fine!
Good Luck
Priyanka xx