Umm yes.
This is my year 6 class photo. Its one of the last primary school photos before all went to new schools, to start new lives, make new friends and make memories.

Its really strange (and scary) to think about how much I have changed since the age of 11 and all the amazing memories I have made with my new friends since then. Here are some of the things that I have learnt from being in secondary school sorry but 'High School' just sounds way better!)
1. In the UK schools (as far as I know) don't have huge lockers that you can decorate like in American movies.
It sucks.
A lot.
I spent all of my time in the last year of Primary School dreaming of the ways that I was going to decorate my locker. I don't have any older siblings to tell me how it was actually going to be like - and the best part is then being stuck with a tiny bottom locker for the rest of the years. Great.
2. Your friends can change often.
Some of the first friends I made in year 7 I loved. I thought that we were always going to be friends and that we were stuck together. To be honest some of them I don't even say 'hi' to never mind hang out with.
3. Confidence is key.
I find people so intimidating sometimes (especially on a bar hair day but that's another story) but really sometimes you just have to fake it to make it so that you actually start believing I in yourself. Its not possible to stay quite during all those long, boring hours of school and expect to enjoy it. You have to push the boundaries, participate in class, discuss things with other people and share you opinion and the you will already be interested in learning and socialising.
You can see my ten top tips here.
4. You might be the ripest, juiciest peach but people are still going to hate peaches.
Its not possible to please everyone. Its hard to be clever, pretty, funny, confident, enthusiastic, creative and hardworking at the same time. You just have to concentrate all your energy in being the best version of you that you can be. Then everything else will fall into place.
5. Make every day count.
If you think about it you're spending at least 5 years of your life at the same school, so its a waste of time hating it (literally). Every moment should count towards something good, something positive, towards your future. Make friends that encourage you and influence you well instead of people you actually don't like being around. Its you life. Its you choice.
I hope some of these things open up your mind and help you survive school :)
I'm sure I would have told myself these things when I first started but I had to figure it out myself.
Priyanka xx
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