Sunday 25 January 2015

Malaga, Spain 2014-15 Photo Diary (Part 2)

People always say you shouldn't dwell on the past or think about the future too much but the memory of Spain seems to be the one of the things keeping me going and the idea of a long summer break after my exams is the motivation for me to work just that bit more harder so that I feel like I really have earned it .

No, no I'm pretty sure my dad's a natural ;)

I'm going to take this moment to thank my parents for everything they do everyday, the opportunities they give me constantly and the absolutely amazing holidays they have been taking me on since I was born (feeling a smoosh bit emotional right now!)

One of the days we woke up early to go to Gibraltar, a British territory, the view was so beautiful from the top of The Rock of Gibraltar where all the monkeys were roaming freely...
They told me that the land in the very distance was Africa which I didn't believe at the time but after some map checking and geography teacher asking I found out that yes, we did see Morocco - wow, it was a pretty sweet view.

Come on you simply have to take photos with  awsome Spanish orange trees



The last sunset of 2014 was mesmerising and definitely unforgettable

On the last day we started with breakfast at our favourite café Churros and Noddles where we most easily consumed multiple hot churros and an extremely sweetened beverage with coffee.

This is memory making.

This is the height of life.

Priyanka xx

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