It is becoming a common interest to me for some reason.
I really don't understand how I believe cake, burgers, chips, Nutella, crepes, salted caramel, brownie and well.....junk, is going to help me conquer anything at all.
In fact, instead of comforting me, I think all this is stressing me out even more.
This over load of calories makes me feeling like I haven't achieved my fitness goals in the slightest because I have simply sabotaged my self time and time again.
I would direct this issue primarily towards the need to feel happy.
I usually associate 'good memories' or exciting times around particular 'meal' (which probably was unhealthy) but tasted really good. Now, every time I feel a little down, I do back to these 'guilty pleasure' foods in hope it will help me feel better.
It usually works unless I keep doing it (every other night or so) during the week. This is because I also exercise and this completely counteracts all the will power I put into my work out.
Now, yes all this is a mental issue and something that has been striking my attention again and again just over the past few weeks. Yes, it is perfectly acceptable to indulge once in a while but I really isn't alright to draw attention to food for comfort and happiness because that is simply not how the world works.
I hope you all have been hearing about how the NHS are planning to inject more money into mental health issues and I am very passionate that every single person in the world will one day have access to advice help and understanding from other people around them and professionally because it affects so many people all around the world.
If fact either yourself or a very close family member/ friend will at least once in their life be affected by a mental issue, be mild or serious. I want to be able to be honest on my blog and encourage others to raise awareness, share stories and be able to share advice because we are all in this together.
I also was encouraged by Jack's Gap Video on this issue of not being afraid and being able to express our worries and concerns regarding mental issues.
I hope this is encouragement for everybody reading this.
Thank you.
Priyanka xx
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