Monday, 27 October 2014
Tips to Get Better, Longer Sleep
My life would go nowhere if I did not sleep properly or long enough....or happily.
Have you ever noticed that if you cry yourself to sleep you always wake up in a bad mood?
Well here are some tips from my own experience that can ensure that you are fresh and ready for a new day and a new start.
1. Get into bed at least 30 minutes before you plan to sleep
This is so that your body can fully relax and unwind; all prepared :)
2. Put down your phone and any other electronics
You might have heard it before but my form tutor has told all of us (multiple times) that its a scientific fact that electronic devices keep you awake - we are all guilty of the endless instagram scroll and twitter feed.
3. Read a book.
I would recommend The Hunger Games but you know I'm a little biased. The point is that reading slowly shuts down your mind and the words on the page get longer until you can't keep your eyes open any longer.
4. Think of happy things
Ask yourself what the best parts of your day was, smile, think of tomorrows goals, celebrate your life! Clear your mind of any unhappy thoughts and make sure that you've finished everything you need to before you sleep so your stress free.
Even plan an exciting breakfast for tomorrow morning because it (and coffee) sure seems to get me up!
5. Stretch out your body.
You don't really realised how tense your body can get during the day, so moving around a little can help with deeper sleep.
6. Set yourself a 'bed time' so you know that you get at least 8 hours sleep
Now that your body is refreshed and relaxed (and that banging head ache is gone along with those under eye circles) you can go and
Priyanka xx
Back to School
Better Sleep
Top Tips
London, UK
Sunday, 26 October 2014
Berry Belicious Breakfast Yogurt Parfait
It is the most important meal of the day.
I'm not even going to let you try and argue.
Its a fact.
So don't skip it !
I bet you are all grabbed by my 'spur of the moment' title idea.
Because I'm pretty surprised by my own creativity :)
Its so important to kick start your day the right way and there is not better way to do it than a fully nutritious, filling, healthy meal to provide you with plenty of energy in the morning.
This is quick and easy, so as long as you have the ingredients you have no excuses.
You will need:
- Your favourite bowl
- 1 Banana Sliced into 'coins'
- A handful of Raspberries / Blueberries/ Blackberries/ Strawberries... (what I am trying to say is - any berry of your choice!)
-Fat Free Yogurt (I used Onken Strawberry)
- Granola - I would suggest Special K Granola because not only does it taste good but it is lower in calories, fat and is notorious :)
-Chia Seeds (Optional)
- A Spoon
- A Chair
- Yourself
- Your mouth
I think that covers pretty much everything.
Let me know what your all time favourite breakfast is and if you enjoyed this recipe!
Priyanka xx
Health Food
Quick and Simple
Recipe Ideas
London, UK
Saturday, 18 October 2014
The Reading Habits Tag
These are a some of my favourite books...
I even received a Mockingjay Pin for my birthday last year. This is how you tell if someone is obsessed with The Hunger Games!
1. Do you have a certain place for reading at home?
I literally have to pull my finger across the page to keep on track if I'm trying to read around people... their just so distracting! Honestly, the best place I can read is in my warm, cosy bed by myself (and even then my mind keeps drifting to other things).
2. Bookmark or random piece of paper?
Both actually, sometimes old recipes, notes or fresh bookmarks but if I don't have anything I always end up reading the past 5 pages again to track back where I was.
3. Can you just stop reading or do you have to stop after a chapter or a certain number of pages?
I usually stop reading when I get tired but if I get to a really good part or its nearly the end of the chapter I keep reading.
4. Do you eat or drink when reading?
Sorry, I'm not the greatest multi-tasker.
But I love sipping on my Peppermint tea every night before I go to sleep; (I cant go to bed without it!)
5. Do you watch TV or listen to music whilst reading?
That's virtually impossible.
Seriously, how do people even do that?
6. One book at a time or several at once?
It depends really. I'm usually all against that but if its a boring book or one that we have to read from school then I read something more captivating on the side. You can tell what type of books I am into right?
7. Reading at home or everywhere?
Mostly at home because I feel sick if I read in the car, its too noisy at school and well I try to read on holiday as much as I can but knowing me I'm probably out discovering other things...
8. Reading out loud or silently in your head?
Oh gosh.
Sometimes I read out loud for 'practise' in case a teacher asks me to read something out in class and I completely stumble on all my words. Otherwise, I read loudly if I am trying to concentrate and it helps me to stop drifting off and thinking about everything else in the world.
9. Do you ever read ahead or skip pages?
Noo. Unless somebody purposely reads the last words of my book out for me but that does count does it?
10. Breaking the spine or keeping it new?
Books are meant to be read so it might as well look like it. Actually, I used do everything I could to make sure my books never got bent and were always in perfect condition but it never worked so I simply gave up on that dream....
11. Do you write in your books?
Not unless its a book we are reading from school because we are required to make 'perceptive and analytical notes'.
12. What are you currently reading?
Delirium by Lauren Oliver. OMG I love it! From what I've read so far its so captivating! In fact I'm going to go and read more of it now.
Good Night.
Priyanka xx
London, UK
Sunday, 12 October 2014
A Sunday's Unwind...
05/10/14 Sushi from Costco |
I like that.
A lot.
After a week of school, work, revision, work, lack of sleep, stress and everything else annoying in this world (which includes walking to school in the wind and creating a mess of my newly washed, blow dried hair - as you can see I have been working on a solution for here) a Saturday's sleep in and my Sunday Routine is the most relaxing and appreciated thing in the week.
Even after a week of hard work my dad finds that 'The whole house should not be sleeping until 9am' is the right statement to be making. How ridiculous.
My Sundays goes a little like this:
- I usually get up at 8am, hope that its sunny (that hope soon fades away as its no longer summer), then get dressed, put on the washing and eat my hot apple oatmeal which I usually eat before my run for energy.
- As fast as I can, I start to hoover the house; I figured there are always ups and downs with living in a 3 floor house... I mean it take a damn hour to hoover it all.
- I'm always being told off for being late everywhere, but they don't understand it not always me. I get dragged into all sorts of things (mostly tidying up my little brother and sister's mess) so I'm mostly late to my '10 o'clock' run with my friend.
-I love running! It seriously wakes me up and clears my mind ready for another week at school. It is getting colder so it's going to get increasingly difficult to get me out and running especially in the gloomy drizzles.
- Once I get home I have the 'worlds longest shower', put on a facemask, dry my hair and eat (an exciting) lunch.
I usually do some art homework, get my bag and lunch ready and chill.
I can confirm that this is so much more awesome than it sounds, seriously.
Just imagine if no one came up with the idea of having a 'weekend' ?
What does your weekend usually consist of? Let me know :)
Priyanka xx
Amateur Photographer
Back to School
Sunday Routine
London, UK
Monday, 6 October 2014
New Buys | Denman Thermoceramic Barrel
Winter and my hair doesn't seem to get on very well.
No, that would be an understatement.
They hate each other.
I preach the whole, 'Embrace What Your Born With' thing but I do wish that my hair was a little more manageable because the lovely kinks at the front of my hair are not very lovely at all.
I watched some videos to see how to blow dry the front of your hair so I flows away from the face when I realised that I really need a round brush.
The annoying thing about me is when I want something, I will do my best to get it as soon as possible, so I bought the Denman Thermoceramic Barrel from Boots for £8.79, which by the way, I have been absolutely loving!
I does everything it says I will: smooth, high speed, quick and simple styling. I tried straightening my hair with this and it took me just under 20 minutes which is incredibly fast compared to other times where it has taken me around an hour (yes, imma stingy perfectionist). It can also curl your hair but I have yet to try that puzzle.
Seriously, don't take my word for how helpful a round brush is... go out and buy one and then thank me for making your life that little bit less complicated:)
Priyanka xx
Hair Style
New Buys
Product Review
London, UK
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