Tuesday 31 March 2015

Birthday Gurrl!

Okkayyy this post is a little late but that doesn't mean anything...

I have been (and will be) VERY VERY busy studying, but lets not let that ruin this :)

I am just so damn grateful for everything.

For every moment that I have lived and all the people who made my day perfect because it really was a really special day *tears of gratitude starts to flow and warming background music plays*


I mean come on...my friends got me macaroons!

So here's a praise to every incredible moment of my birthday:

- My dearest mother cooked me her INCREDIBLE homemade rice pudding. (The rice pudding in pots from Asda doesn't even classify as rice pudding after you taste my mum's thick, creamy, sweet, makesyoudribblemouthwateringwarm rice pudding that she makes with her secret ingredients)

-My best friend arriving at my house at 7.20 before school so we could have pancakes with banana, Nutella, peanut butter, ICE CREAM  *air punch* and coffee for my birthday breakfast.

- Receiving cake, PROM SHOES, macaroons, a helium balloon, homemade cupcakes,  Reeces Peanut Butter Cups (which I had never tried before) and hugs from the cutest friends in the whole wide world :)

-The constant 'Happy Birthday!' s shouted at me

- Receiving an.........................................................................IPHONE 6 + in Gold from my dad!! (When he gave it to me I almost died. This is the first time my whole family has kept a secret from me - I'm kinda beginning to like surprises...)

-Clothes from my mummy

-A phone call from my Grandma in India saying that if she forgets everything, the one thing she won't ever forget is my birthday. I love her so much.

-Eating out at Chimi Changa then watching INSURGENT with my friends

-and more chocolate cake :D

There are definitely a ton more things that made my day so beautiful but I just can't put into words how spoilt and loved and special and so grateful I am for all the people who love me .

Thank you everyone.

Priyanka xx