Saturday 30 August 2014

My Girls | Westfield | Shopping | Frozen Yougurt |

Summer. Summer. Summer.

Yes, Priyanka we understand so stop lazing around and get out of the house.

So, I decided that I needed to get back on the London Underground and go to Westfield Shopping City. For some reason I love the tube, apart from the obvious filth everywhere; it gives me freedom because I can go anywhere. I guess really you only appreciate these things when they come infrequently and not when you have to travel my train everyday to work.

One day I do want to travel to lots of different countries, see new places, meet new people and do new things but it seems as though I have some years to pass until then so I'm going to make the most of it - the most of now.

Don't these babies look delish? We were hungry okay. Who can resist some Yoomoo Frozen Yogurt in a shopping mall full of cafes and restaurants anyway?

To be fair they do look like a piece of art, even though I was a fail at using the machine at the 'create your own station'...well I'm no ice-cream maker we've all discovered. 

Did I tell you I love my friends so very much? Who else would I have to annoy and drag around with me...

We did pop into New Look to try on some heels and I discovered that I can't walk in heels to save my life! They hurt. Forget about walking, just standing in them hurts. I praise everyone who can do it all day every day, I really do.

See ya from the top.

I got dared, so I did and before any staff could tell me to go up the right escalator instead of running up the one going downwards.

More walking, eating, drinking Monster for 'energy' since the shopping centre is so big. We also managed to play hide and seek in Holister claiming it's 'too dark' to shop in and annoyed a ton load of people on our way. Next time its elevator pranks I promise.

We're here to make childish memories right?

Priyanka xx

Wednesday 27 August 2014

August Favorites 2014

Personally, I think that the photo looks like something exotic from Ibiza but that's just moi.

I'm so glad to be doing my first ever monthly favourites; hopefully they will be coming every month with things beauty, fashion, food, books and everything I have been loving!

This month I have been loving...

 1. L'Oreal Lumi Magique Foundation - This foundation I picked up in Boots because I needed a darker colour to fit in with my summer, tanned skin (yes, I actually tanned). I did spend at least 45 minutes with a by-then-a-very-annoyed-friend-that-needed-to-get-home to find a  colour that actually fit me, but we succeeded at the end. The foundation is low coverage and gives a lovely hint of natural colour which I find is great for an everyday look.

2. Marry M Gelly Nail Paint in Greenberry - I'll keep it quick. I love this colour so much, it reminds me of summer and every nail polish in the world should be this colour. That's kinda what I mean.

3. Superdrug Witch Hazel Mud Mask - This mask is great for clearing out my skin; I use it twice a week and leave it on for 10-15 minutes. It hardens quite a lot which might be a little stripping for people with more sensitive skin but I use a honey mask straight after it to renew the lost moisture back into my skin. Every time I use this mask I feel lovely and refreshed and it smells good.

4. Real Techniques Expert Face Brush - This is a major upgrade from the sponges I used to use to apply my foundation with. I was pretty sure that this brush was going to be great because of how many people use and love it. It blends foundation and concealer out very well and makes it easy to use a little product all over my face.

5. Calcot Manor The Lazy Evening Dry Body Oil Spray - This is the best smell ever. It smells of summer, the sun, the blazing heat, the golden coast of Los Angeles and the long drifty, lazy, beautiful evenings in California under the blazing stars. Well, that's how I would describe it to you because I used it through the whole summer last year and every time I spray it on now it reminds me of that place, I really wish I was right now, and makes me smile every single time. If you don't believe me, go and buy it yourself.

6. The Maze Runner by James Dashner - I miss reading a good, exciting book. From when my mock exams started I couldn't get into a book and enjoy it but this really has been bringing me back into the flow. Its action packed, unexpected and exciting. Plus, on the cover it  says ' a must for the fans of The Hunger Games'... so you can see it has been calling for my eyes.

7. Calvin Klein Jeans Sunglasses - Its only a short time in the year that you can wear sunglasses and I love my white ones, they go with pretty much everything :)

8. Ikea Milk Frother - Coffee? No this makes more than milk, water and instant coffee granules mixed together. It makes it look like a posh cappuccino especially with a sprinkle of cocoa powder on top. Really, it  changes home coffee forever.  

I hope that you have found something here that you fancy trying out... and if you already have let me know what you thought about them!

Priyanka xx

Saturday 23 August 2014

Spending Summer This Way and That...

Summer is nearly over.

What? That went way too fast for me and to be truthful its completely unfair that I spend ALL year looking forward to summer and making plans for it to play in fast forward.

I'm not going to give up though, I'm going to always make it sunny in my head all the time and nothing (not even the famous British weather) is going to dull my sunshine :)

So here are the exiting things I spend the last couple of weeks doing:

-Made a bonfire and then sang and danced around it (sorry neighbours)

-Watched The Fault in our Stars and came out with my 3 friends all in tears. I'm the sensitive, dreamy type that cries at movies and songs; keep that in mind.

-Drank lots of Starbucks and annoyed my mum by bringing home the plastic cup with my name on every time...more about that here

-Had the most amazing day out in Oxford Street and Hyde Park for my friends birthday which you can see here

-Had a proper picnic in the park ...twice!

- Ate colourful, way too pretty to eat but I'm gonna eat anyway macaroons

-Got my makeup done in mac

-Attempted to skateboard but ended up sitting on it being pulled by my friend

-Went berry picking and tennis playing

-Did way too much baking

-Went to Lake District with my family

-Used my new camera a ton more

-Had barbeques (the most summer-ish thing you have to do)

-Roasted marshmallows on the barbie (she says in a failed Australian accent)

-Splashed my cash in the New Look sales for summer clothes

-Wore shorts practically every day...yes, that makes me very happy 

-Bought a milk frother to make posh looking coffee :)

- Indulged in ice-cream after a long time

- Actually got tanned

-Volunteered at my local library

- Started to get my inspirational wall ready

- And the rest of the time I spent sleeping, eating, watching movies, reading 'The Maze Runner', being lazy, sleeping and dreaming...

Lets all wish that summer comes again soon.

How have you all spent your gorgeous summer days?

Priyanka xx

Thursday 21 August 2014

10 Tips to be More Confident


Confidence is the best thing someone can wear.

Confidence comes before your makeup, before your gorgeous hair, clothes and skin. It comes all from the inside, from how you feel about yourself and how you act on that towards other people.

Any of you who are reading this; you are beautiful.

Yeah right.

That's what I would have said last year but since then I have opened my mind to many aspects of my life and from that I have learnt many new things about myself  and how loving myself is very  important.

1) Be yourself.
 People will like you for the real you, not someone who is so afraid to let go and act like themselves because they are afraid of what people will think about them and their beliefs.
2) Don't listen to people who are not worth your time ... (because the haters gonna hate).
 At the end of the day, who's there for you but ... you? Its not worth backing down to people who say things about you, especially when you start to speak out, there are always those people who want to kill your confidence and accuse you of 'seeking attention' but all they really are is mean ...( and a liar, and pathetic and alone in life and mean ~ Taylor Swift). Yep, she is one of my idols because of how relatable she is; I even went to her Red concert in February which was absolutely amaazingg - which you can see here.
3) Love yourself. Wholeheartedly and with the most pride. The best thing that you can do is accept who you are and turn that acceptance into something beautiful. Its really one of the first steps to be happier with who you are and when you can you will see that other people find it much easier to you too. 

4) Be spontaneous because life starts at the end of your comfort zone.
That's speaks for itself really. I always overthink things and am so indecisive that  I eventually give up making a decision and rely on someone else - but I am making that change because the less I think about 'what I am going to do' or 'if that's the best solution' the more time I can actually do that thing and enjoy myself. Anyway new experiences are more exciting and sometimes you just have to jump into the deep end. Head first.
5) Accept or Change.
Some things about yourself you might just have to accept but other things you can change if it lowers you self esteem or if it is something you don't like about yourself. For the first time I have actually stuck to my new years resolutions (which you can see here) and one that has impacted my life greatly is being more active and healthy. I don't think its shallow because by starting to work out  gave me a way to picture my goals and identify what I want and seeing the results from things that you work hard for can only make you happy and even more motivated to stretch your goals further. From the beginning of 2014 I know I have become stronger both mentally and physically; looking good is a bonus that has made me more confident with how I look.
6) Take drama / public speaking classes.
Everyone thinks I'm quiet or did until recently; my mum suggested that I do some kind of public speaking to gain more confidence so I joined one-to-one sessions doing acting and speaking to work towards grades in LAMDA (London Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts). By doing so,  I now feel so much more confident in speaking with new people, in class and in front of an audience. It was a sudden change for others to see; especially after a rather embarrassing 'inspirational' speech that I delivered to my whole year group. The weird thing about me is that I speak louder than I normally would in front of an audience...sometimes a little too loud given that I am speaking into a microphone...
7) Think positively about every situation. 
Road Dahl Quote
What happens, happens, but you can change how you feel about it by the way you react. A positive mind, a positive attitude, a grateful heart and wilful soul; what else could you want? 
8) Do what makes you happy then you won't have time to be sad :)
9) Believe in yourself and be patient because its a growth not a sudden change.

"My Wish For You" Rustic Wall Decor Box Sign

10) BE WILD. Seize every opportunity, embrace every instinct, jump into the unknown, let go of all of your worries and simle like your life depends on it.
 Now, inhale...
...and exhale...
and go kill'em georgeous because you are so worth it.
Priyanka xx

Tuesday 12 August 2014

Peanut Butter, Banana, Chocolate Energy Balls

Ooh yes. I bring out the Peanut Butter, Oat, Banana, Chocolate, Coconut ENERGY BALLS.
I haven't really come up with a good enough name for it yet but they do provide energy and contain all the above ingredients so I guess the long name is fine for now.
The first time I made this, I was in a real hurry (unfortunately to revise) and eat something chocolaty but healthy and found this recipe...
After that day I have been completely loving these life saving balls of scrumminess- and whenever they magically disappeared from my fridge it seems to be my duty to make more because otherwise I continuously crave them. Its just how my body works.
They are a perfect pre-workout snack or something for when you need a little chocolate without eating the unhealthy stuff.
So here we go, you will need...
- 1 Large Mashed Banana
-1 Cup of Rolled Oats
- 2 Tbsp Organic Peanut Butter
- 1 Heaped Tbsp of coca powder
-1/4 Cup of Desiccated Coconut
-2 tsp Stevia
- 1/2 tsp Vanilla Extract
Mix all the ingredients up in a bowl and then get a little messy and use your hands to make them into balls about the size of a table spoon.
Place the balls on a round plate and place them in the fridge for at least an hour for the best taste. This part is the hardest part...waiting. Don't worry, if your anything like me then you can enjoy a taster and scrape anything left in the bowl and on your fingers like I mention here :)
*Please note that the amount of each ingredient depends on your personal preference and that you can adjust them as you wish...and still make them taste amazing!
Hope you all enjoy one of my favourite snacks and find ways to make it your own.
I think you also might realise I have quiet a sweet tooth here...
Priyanka xx

Saturday 9 August 2014

Concealers: My Buys So Far

If I could only have one product in my makeup bag it would be a concealer. 
I always feel like if I get the right concealer then that's really all the coverage I need for an 'every day' look, but a good concealer has taken some time to reach and in my opinion they are also hard to track down especially since everybody's skin and preferences are different.
So here are all the concealers I have tried from the drugstore:
1. Collection 2000 Cover Up stick: This is the first concealer that I have ever bought. On top of that It is the first makeup product I have bought by myself (anything before that would not have been more than a lip gloss or nail polish). I would have said it was wonderful back a few years ago because I had never tried anything else but now I can tell you that it has a good coverage but it quite dry and cakey especially under the eyes. When I went to cover up a spot it made the spot stand out more due to the fact it was thick and flaky.
2. 17 Hide Away Concealer: My most regretting boots trip ever. I tried to make this concealer work so much. I really put all of my effort into blending it out differently, with a sponge, under the eyes, on spots but no where did it look close to nice. The packaging and consistency of the concealer looks nice at first but when I applied it to my skin it was orange, cakey, and looked like it would flake off my face. Also, I tried to wear this on the hottest months and it made me feel so self conscience about myself that I would barely look at people in the eye because it was rubbing off all over the place and I looked gross. I also tried covering up spots but it left then even worse. After this I have been put off 17 products - I haven't even dared to look at their makeup section since.  
3. Maybelline Age Rewind Concealer: I was really happy when I bought this back in Canada last summer (followed by my incredible, but short dreamy trip to Los Angeles which you can see here). I was on the internet searching for reviews on concealers for weeks until I stumbled across this concealer that really drew my attention. I think that it really does reduce puffiness around the eyes and hides away dark circles brilliantly. I would still be using this if it weren't for my face being more tanned. In the winter it looks lovely and matt when set with a transparent powder.
4. L'Oreal Lumi Magique Highlighing Concealer: I love using this for highlighting my brow bone because it makes me look more awake, for the inner eyes and under the eyes but on top of another higher coverage concealer or foundation to make my eyes 'pop' a little more. The brush is lovely to apply it with and I would recommend using it in conjunction with another concealer for a little more coverage.
 5. Collection 2000 Lasting Perfection Concealer: What's all the hype for from bloggers and youtubers about this concealer? Well if you haven't tried it you wouldn't  know. It has a great coverage and is actually not flaky. Horayy! Its an all round concealer for under the eyes, covering spots, scars and dark skin pigmentation which is great for those that want the coverage without wearing foundation everyday. Its the only concealer that I have bought that looks fine on spots- that is the result of following the newest makeup craze!  AND it last for pretty much all day and tries its very best to resist sweat. Bonus.
6. Rimmel Match Perfection Concealer: Again this is a lovely highlighting concealer to use with foundation or another concealer, around the inner eyes, cheek and brow bones. I think this has a little  more coverage than the L'Oreal Lumi Maqique but they are pretty similar.
I hope my experiences with concealers help find a perfect concealer for you skin.
Please let me know any concealers that you would recommend and what they are best for!
Priyanka xx