Sunday 21 June 2015

Starting the Day With a Fresh Thing or Two in Mind

The morning is the one of the most important times of the day. It's not about rushing to the kitchen for your beloved cup of tea, neither is it truly about eating your breakfast and then running out the door even though these are things that we have to do eventually whether we like it or not.

Since my exams have finally finished and two and a half months of a summer and fun has arrived, I'm going to take this as an opportunity to re-wire my mind so that it can not only be an action packed summer but one in which I can become the best possible version of myself within.

During the past few months I've been trying out a few different things so that I can become less stressed and use the highest possible energy into what really matters in my life.

So without further ado, here is my morning run:

Try not to hit snooze
 I know this one is practically impossible. No in fact it's very, very close to literally being impossible. However, we're all in this together! It's simply mind over matter - you need to get things done, why delay something when it can be done quickly so you can do other (hopefully more exciting) things with your day?

Life hack:
- Set one alarm off 5 minutes before you usually do (mentally allowing yourself to snooze it).
 -Set your alarm off when you wake up (lay in bed letting it ring several times, knowing you have to get up- and now!)
-Set one alarm after 5 minutes (you should not delete this one and is ONLY for over runs in case something happens (like you feel extremes symptoms of laziness or fatigue and you don't get up on time)

Do what you would begin to do and then go down for your tea
I usually wake up, wash my face, put my clothes on and then run down for my cup of green tea with a squeezed slice of lemon (my continued obsession is here for y'all to read and laugh at).

Go back up finish something else and then write in a journal
I like to finish doing my bed and then write in my diary. Diaries don't have to be time consuming or excessive, it can take you no longer than several minutes in the morning, especially when your in a rush.

Go for three subheadings:
- Gratitude (everything in your life at the moment which make it worth living as well simple things like the presence of a healthy family that we always take for granted).
- Refection (what was things you did yesterday that were awesome and the things that could do with improvement).
-Today's goals (what are you going to do today and how its exactly going to happen).

Bullet point all these down on a page and that's it!

BUT writing it down is a complete waste of your time if you're not truthful about what you write and if you are not really going to do any of the things which you say you are going to do- you might as well not have written it down in the first place!

Now you are free to make breakfast, rehydrate your system and get ready to kick you day up  backside
I won't go into the typical 'breakfast is the most important meal of the day' because the fact stands that is really and truly is. I drink a lot of water (1.5 litres this morning- but it was a good day) and then that's me pretty much sorted to put my makeup on, pack my super healthy salad and get out the front door.

Ladies (and gentlemen) sometimes that's exactly how is done.

Priyanka xx

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