Friday 15 April 2016

Nutella Rocky Road Croissant Recipe

- 1 Large Croissant (I recommend Costco, they seriously have the best!)
- Nutella (as much or as little as your heart desires)
-Mini marshmallows
- Cookies
- 1/2 Banana
-Preheat your oven on low, the croissants will become crispy easily so high heat may cause it to burn.
- Cut your croissant side ways so it forms a 'pocket'
- Spread Nutella on the bottom half of the croissant, making sure you get all  the edges covered
- Crumble 1 - 2 cookies and place on top of the Nutella
- Sprinkle marshmallows over the cookies and close the 'pocket' shut (BEWARE: This can be messy!)
- Place the Croissant on tin foil on a baking tray and place in the oven.
- Leave the croissant for 6 minutes and keep checking to see how crisp you would like it
- Optional: Chop the banana into coined pieces and stuff into the croissant near the top after you have taken it out of the oven to stop them from 'melting' in any way
-Serve immediately on a plate and enjoy with ice cream!
Dessert is intentionally made easy, trust me when cravings hit, they hit hard and chocolate is all that you heart desires...
Hope you liked this recipe and make sure you check out my post here on a great savoury use of you croissants. What are your favourite uses of Nutella? Let me know below!
Priyanka xx

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