Thursday 21 January 2016

New Years Resolutions 2016

New Year = New Me

That's what we all say don't we? But if we stick to it or not is a completely different question.

I tried not to overthink my New Year's goals this year so that I don't procrastinate over a 'fresh start' or 'one chance to get it right' sort of vibe.

1) Work out with more enthusiasm

Instead of working out to 'be skinny' I want for my workouts to have purpose, make me stronger, more muscular and mentally challenge me by pushing some boundaries every day to help improve my fitness levels.

2) Work smarter not harder or longer

Instead of working for hours at my desk, procrastinating and wasting time without actually learning anything I want to be able to work efficiently for short bursts to time (so I don't have a chance to worry or become bored) and maximise the quality of learning I do in a given time frame.

3) Laugh harder and don't be so hard on myself

I have recently found that because Im always worried about work I forget to actually have fun. sometimes I feel so contrained by work that I forget to laugh at the little things in life. This year, however stressed I may become, Im going to laugh harder at my own little trip ups and at the little incidents that may occur. 

4) Go to sleep earlier

I often find my self in a bad mood not wanting to talk to anyone simply because I'm still exhausted from the night before. 8 hours sleep minimum is my new shout for energy.

5) Stop feeling like I need to impress people or be perfect

Nobody is perfect so I am going to stop trying to be. Instead I am going to focus on things that are really important and become confident simply being myself.

One of the best things I have ever learnt is KISS- Keep It Simple, Stupid!

What are your New Year's Resolutions?


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