Sunday 9 August 2015

Things to do on Long Car Journeys Without Internet

Long car journeys can be a real bore to get through but from my experience getting into the car prepared can minimise the effect of, well, the boredom!

Here are some things that keep me entertained and might help you:

- Play Cards : Go fish, snap, cheat - you can always play a couple rounds before everyone gets tired or the driver starts complaining everyone's being way too loud.

- Write a To Do List : Car journeys are a great time to gather all your floating thoughts and put them in one place. Writing or typing up a to do list on your phone for later is great because you don't have to come up with all the things at once and you can note them down as they come naturally to you.

- Listen/Watch Pre Downloaded Music and Films: Yep, I forgot to download my music and didn't get any movies on my iPad for my time in Switzerland (which is terrible). If I had thought a little more ahead I could have caught up on a good few movies...I'll be sure to keep a mental note for next time. 

- Write a Gratitude List: Writing down everything you are grateful for is not always something we have time for but it is something worth doing. Your list doesn't have to be a piece of art but scribbling down your simple things such as your  enjoyments, family, friends and health means that you don't let the beautiful things in life float away as they come. 

- Sleep: Hours can pass if you catch a little snooze and you can trust me on that one. When I'm on a family holiday and we are all shoved out of the house at 4 am I know that the only thing there is to do is sleep! 

What things have you found is fun to do on long journeys? I know that I'm a little to old for 'I spy'...

Priyanka xx

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