Saturday 17 October 2015

Tips to Help Reduce Your Cold Symptoms

It's that time of the year again, autumn leaves falling, darker mornings, shorter days, thicker jumpers and of course, colds.

Everyone seems to be coughing, sneezing and complaining that they have a cold and I am someone who has been constantly shivering unless I wear 2 vests, a thermal top, a regular top and a thick jumper outside but have found some of these things useful in helping reduce my cold/flu-like symptoms.
1. Drink Hot Herbal Tea
I found that sipping on hot cups of ginger and lemon tea (Twinning's Settling Ginger and Revitalising Lemon & Ginger are two of my favourites) really helps my throat feel less sore and dry; it also helps making me feel a little more warm and cosy which is always really comforting.
2. Stay Hydrated
I know this may be one point you rather skip out off the list, but when you're ill having plenty of water for your body to take care of itself is definitely the wiser option. During the day, drinking water should help increase your energy levels too.
3. Take Multi Vitamins
Vitamins, vitamins, vitamins. Don't forget your vitamins. I regularly take multivitamins all year round and swap between Floradix Liquid Iron and Vitamin Formula and Metatone Tonic as well as Vitamin D and Iron tablets (since my GP has recommended this to me).  Especially when I feel like any sympotoms of a cold is arising or simply feel fatigue, I will take Vitamin C tablets to help my immune system keep up with everything that's going on.
4. Get Enough Sleep
 Tired all the time? Go to bed a little earlier because you owe yourself that much. After all, its probably not your fault you were infected by the coughing bus passenger next to you, right? A little more snooze ain't gonna hurt no body.
5. Eat Oranges
Now orange juice doesn't classify as fresh oranges, there is something very different about the two things I would have thought. Eating oranges and other citus fruits, berries and fresh vegetables also helps your body repair itself quicker and more easily due to the higher amounts of antioxidants your body receives.
6. Strepsils, Tissues and Paracetamol
My mother never let me leave the house without all of these things. Always keeping paracetamol handy means that you should be able to battle the day to the end like a hero...
Hopefully this has reminded you that nourishing your body with all that it deserves will help you feel energized much more faster than if you binged on junk foods and walked around the roads with a light shirt on!
Priyanka xx

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